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Recent Activities


本會於2023年2月10日再度到訪佛山,承蒙 佛山市禪城區教育局熱心支持及指導,安排禪港幼兒教育界專家交流會面…


比賽大受歡迎,吸引超過一萬名幼稚園和小學學生報名,超過120間學校團體支持,頒獎典禮於2022 年 12 月 18 日(星期日)假紅磡置富都會 7 樓舉行…




為慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年,推動江蘇和香港兩地的文化交流合作,由香港江蘇青年總會主辦、香港幼兒藝術文化交流協會協辦的「陶蘊江蘇」兒童陶藝創作比賽成功舉辦。 比賽以「我眼中的江蘇」為主題,…

United Nations Ocean Decade
Children Oceanic Pottery Project
Pottery Creation Exhibition & Auction

The exhibition and online auction took place on 8-12 June 2022 in the INNO Zone on the 1st floor of Central Market Hong Kong…

United Nations Ocean Decade
Children Oceanic Pottery Project

“Treasure Hunt – The Parent-child Pottery Design Competition”

Awards Ceremony and Outstanding Artworks Exhibition

中華藝術樂繽紛 童賀國慶月團圓



The Pilot School of “Young Children Ceramic Art Promotion Campaign” Recognition Ceremony and Sharing Session and News Conference of “Treasure Hunt” – The Parent-Child Pottery Design Competition

Visit Wun Yiu Exhibition

Chairman Mr. Eddie NG Hak-kim, GBS, JP and other members of the committee visited the Wun Yiu exhibition in Tai Po…

“Children’s Art and Cultural Exchange Sharing” at Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education

In order to further promote children’s art and culture, dozens of early childhood education experts gathered at Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, shared…

Children’s Art and Cultural Exchange Sharing

In the sharing, several kindergarten principals shared the school’s teaching philosophy and views on ceramic art…

Hong Kong and Foshan Early Childhood Education Alliance Exchange Group

In 2019, Mr. Eddie NG Hak-kim, GBS, JP, the Former Secretary for Education, HKSAR, had led more than 50 school supervisors and principals of early childhood education institutions to Foshan, China for academic exchanges…